Chester is Cool

Chester is Cool is a community that supports elementary schools by providing free online resources students can use both at school and at home. It is also the home for the Russell’s Roving Reporters program that has helped over 600 students learn how to produce videos and broadcast the news live to thousands of viewers.

SoFlo Vegans

SoFlo Vegans is a plant-based community dedicated to helping make South Florida a global hotspot for veganism. Businesses can reach thousands of customers by participating in our discount card program and by sponsoring our organization.

Our Recent Brands

The following are communities and media projects produced and managed by Lesaruss Media.

Fit and Fun Boot Camp

SoFlo Vegans

Brand management, public relations, strategic planning, event management, video production, graphic design, web management.

Heal the Planet

Chester is Cool

Brand management, strategic planning, event management, video production, graphic design, web management.